Business owners are slowly coming to the conclusion that they need to take security measures with networked printers, not just network computers. Printer capabilities continue to grow, but while there are some safeguards against the hacking of computer information, printers often remain vulnerable. By switching to managed print services, you’ll be able to work security printing into your plan. Here are five benefits of using print management companies for printer security.
Malware Protection
Did you know that hackers can create viruses and malware that break into your network through your printer? You can combat this invasion with secure print software that watches over printer firmware and software. That way you can be sure that it doesn’t change the network or introduce any anomalies.
Cut the Costs of Personal Printers
For security’s sake, many businesses install personal printers for everyone who handles confidential information. However, by using secure print software, you can keep the security benefits of a personal printer without the added cost. Let everyone use the networked printer without worrying about leaked information.
Regulation Compliance
If you run a medical or financial facility, HIPAA and FINRA laws are pretty strict, and other industries require complete confidence as well. Keep your patient and customer information confidential by protecting it with a secure print solution.
Make Mobile Printing Possible
Many print management companies are now providing mobile security so their clients’ employees can access secure documents through their cell phones and tablets. By protecting information sent from a mobile device to a networked printer, they’re offering solutions that still support regulatory requirements.
Prevent Data Leaks
Even if you don’t work in a regulated industry, you’re bound to have sensitive documents that you don’t want to be leaked to the general public, or even your other employees. These can include HR documents, contracts or marketing and product information. Managed print services keep track of every document an employee is printing and alert business owners if an unusually high number of documents is being printed by any particular department or individual.
As a business owner, there are a multitude of scenarios where you could benefit from securing your network printers. By choosing secure print solutions with a print management company, you’ll have more control over what information comes in or leaves your business. Keep your customers’ information safe with Qualpath.
Contact Qualpath today to partner with the leader in managed print services!